Know exactly what your home is worth in today's market! Simply complete the form below and you will receive a free comparative market analysis of your home within 24 hours. The report I will send will not only help evaluate your home, but also provide insights into past solds in the area, future predictions, community developments and more!

CMA, Comparative Market Analysis
I help my clients value their property through thorough CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) reports using current listing price data and past sold comparable property sales.

Inspections and Repair Negotiations
The negotiations rarely end with the price however once the buyer completes their inspection and document examination processes, they often object to things discovered and request corrective action that involves expense to the seller. I'm here to work with you every step of the way!

Home Staging and Renovation Services
It’s important that your home is ready to sell. First impressions are lasting, and I am committed to maximising your home value. Staging your home is included with my services.

Contract to Closing Process
There are more than 50 tasks, objectives, and deliveries involved in taking a seller-side transaction from contract through a successful closing. I'm on top of all of them to make sure you leave the closing table with a check to move on with life.
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